Truth in Data


TestSet answers to ESOMAR 37 questions designed for users and buyers of online sample to find insights for reliable outcomes.

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ESOMAR created a list of 37 questions to help researchers participate in an open discussion about the online research methodology and the appropriateness of the methodology for specific research. The answers will help research buyers ensure they receive what they expect from an online sample provider. Online sample providers should be able to openly answer each question.

Company Profile

The TestSet field and project teams have decades of experience managing complex research products. We constantly refine sample methodologies and work across multiple geographies and audience targets. Our teams go through rigorous training, and all front-line staff are required to meet minimum experience levels.

Our sample team is constantly refining our member engagement strategy with expressed goals of enhancing member experience and improving efficiency for our customers.

TestSet provides all digital data collection services; including, but not limited to, sample-only, survey scripting, translations, data management, and dashboards.

Sample sources and Recruitment

The integrity of market research outcomes relies upon the quality of data inputs. Our focus is creating sampling plans that align with the objectives of each study. We employ a diverse array of sources:

  • Proprietary Panels: Payswell, our first-party data asset is comprised of members who have consciously opted to engage in online surveys via a double opt-in registration process. These panels ensure active participation and robust data quality.
  • Third-Party Certified Network: We collaborate closely with rigorously vetted third-party entities to access expansive panels. Through these strategic partnerships, we augment our sampling frame with diverse audiences, enriching the breadth and depth of our data.
  • The share of proprietary versus trusted partners varies by engagement due to geography, target audience, field time, and project specifications. TestSet will maintain sample source composition for data consistency.

We use a multi-sourced approach for panel recruitment, including online advertising and partnerships with website publishers, social networks, loyalty partnerships, influencer networks, and mobile apps. We are not using probabilistic methods. We use the same methods across all markets. Our online panel is open to all internet users and is aligned with ESOMAR rules and market specific laws/regulations.

TestSet understands that high-quality data is the single most important aspect of the research process. We utilize a suite of products and services to ensure our data is uncorrupted, unbiased and accurately portrays the audience interviewed. The following technologies are used to ensure participants are real and unique: proxy server detection, address validation, digital fingerprinting, articulation screeners, bot/AI honeypots, commercially available best-in-class security (Research Defender), and IP geofencing.

Additionally, we have partnered with Onfido (, a third-party AI digital identity solution, to provide an additional layer of identity validation services. This process utilizes AI algorithms and government-issued ID to accurately verify Payswell members’ profiles. is where our community registers, manages their preferences, and participates in surveys. On average, we see 30-40% of our members accessing from a mobile device with the remaining entering from desktop/tablet. We utilize email and our panel webpage to launch survey opportunities for our members.

We provide sample through managed services or direct API integrations.

TestSet is passionate about data quality. We employ our comprehensive suite of data-quality products/services on every respondent source we utilize. We can and will modify sourcing based on the sample definitions of a particular study (mobile diaries, client restrictions, usage tests, etc.). We have API integrations with most of our partner network.

Our TestSet team members work closely with our clients to build comprehensive and thoughtful sample plans. A sample plan includes the ideal sample source for the project type. We can support qualitative, quantitative, trackers, focus groups, HUTs, recontacts, and many other unique engagements.

Sampling And Project Management

Each of our panel members provide age, gender, geography, socioeconomic level/income, ethnicity, education, and employment status. At least 80% of respondents coming from our partners will also have the same demographics available. We also capture identify validation data from a third party ( We can append these data points to any data set using a third-party clean room or through member opt-in appends.

What information do you need about a project in order to provide an estimate of feasibility? What, if anything, do you do to give upper or lower boundaries around these estimates?

  • Geography
  • Number of interviews
  • Quota requirements (demographic and survey specific)
  • Survey length
  • Target audience
  • Incidence
  • Time in field

TestSet consults with our clients to provide project feasibility, timing, and pricing. During this process, we work with our clients to define the sampling plan, including the use of our certified partner network.

During the fielding process, we may encounter unforeseen challenges in completing a project. We consult with our client to determine the best approach to complete the project while maintaining the sampling methodology.

We utilize technology to create sample plans and blends to meet the needs of each client. Our Payswell panel uses a combination of direct survey invites in addition to surveys presented to members in their dashboard. We do not use a traditional survey router. Our partners both utilize direct invites and drive respondents to web-based panel/member dashboards.

Members are invited via email directly to a survey opportunity or to their member portal. We provide the member with information about the survey length and incentive opportunity and will, from time to time, state the broad category of the research project (Entertainment, Shopping, etc.).

Panelists are matched to surveys based on their profile information. Participants may view the length of survey, broad survey topic, and incentives for participation prior to choosing a survey.

Our incentives are dynamic and determined using machine learning algorithms and project specifications. Incidence, subject matter, estimated survey length, and target audience are all considered when aligning on incentive levels. We can adjust incentives during a survey as needed and can deliver a disposition of incentive level by respondent.

We measure satisfaction at the completion of a survey, and we use this data to continuously improve our member experience. We can provide broad consultation on the satisfaction/outcome of prior projects, but we also strictly adhere to contractual obligations from our other clients, which, ultimately, can limit how much we directly share.

Upon request, our team provides project health reports throughout the fielding process. Information provided includes:

  • Completed interviews
  • Incidence
  • Length of interview
  • Screen out data
  • Quota details
  • Question sets with dropouts

Data quality and Validation

We maintain a complete record of all member history, including all interactions and provide that information to a client, except for any personally identifiable data.

Payswell uses a combination of proprietary and third-party technologies to confirm identity. Third-party partners include Research Defender, ForensiciQ and Onfido. All members must be verified by a third party before receiving their earned incentives.

TestSet consults with our clients to define sample blends and feasibility before projects are launched. Sample sources and proportions are managed using our proprietary technology to ensure consistent blends for trackers. We can share blends and sources upon request. Our team provides reporting on blends and sources to our clients and can append respondent sources at a project level.

Payswell maintains detailed data on every member of the panel. Data includes survey history, time spent per survey, how often participants abandon surveys, stated demographics, geography, VPN usage, etc. If a client alerts us to fraudulent behavior, we immediately freeze the member’s account until a full investigation can be completed. If clients alert us to inattentive or poor survey behavior, we adhere to a three strikes policy before removing that individual from our panel. We have a zero-tolerance policy on all fraudulent behavior across all respondent sources.

TestSet delivers high quality data through the efficiencies of modern technology and human expertise. As a standard, every respondent runs through our proprietary quality screening process in addition to the previously mentioned third-party tools. We do this regardless of whether we script the survey instrument. When we script a survey, we offer our clients several best practices to enhance attentiveness and data quality. Our team works closely with every client to align on the best approach for each survey and does not force a “one size fits all approach”. Our solutions include all the following: red herring checks, open-end articulation, speeders, straight-lining, etc.

Policies And Compliance

TestSet adheres to all local laws and regulations in regards to the collection and storage of data (both personally identifiable and anonymous). TestSet obtains consent for all contacts with members and provides our opt-out and privacy policy with all engagements. We utilize GDPR as a regulatory baseline across our organization.

All Payswell members have access to their privacy options within our privacy policy. Included in our policy are instructions on how to opt out of email communications, manage cookie preferences, and revise/opt-out of prior data agreements/consent.

TestSet’s global compliance team is constantly monitoring laws in all markets from which we collect data and will adjust incentives and other market specific rules as needed when regulations are altered/implemented.

The TestSet team will work closely with our clients when a project includes interviewing minors or individuals under 18. Our team will advise our clients on regulatory restrictions (COPPA, GDPR, etc.) and produce a market-specific data-collection strategy that both adheres to local laws and delivers against the goals of the research project. TestSet follows all COPPA and ESOMAR rules when gathering data from minors.

Privacy and compliance with local regulations drives our entire compliance organization. Our leadership team meets regularly to ensure new products and services are built from the ground up with data privacy at the forefront.

TestSet works with multiple third-party information technology firms for network and database security compliance. We work closely with these partners to audit our security profiles and ensure consistent uptime/network integrity. Any additional compliance information can be provided upon request.

We are not ISO 20252 certified. We are, however, aware of the requirements and adhere to the best practices outlined in 20252.


Get In Touch

1 833 777 TEST
[email protected]


  • TestSet
    700 S. Rosemary Ave
    Suite #204
    West Palm Beach, FL 33401
  • TestSet - Europe
    3rd Floor,
    21 Perrymount Road,
    West Sussex, RH16 3TP
    United Kingdom

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